Zitat Zitat von faboi Beitrag anzeigen
Bezgl. der Beta kommt beim Startup:
28.03.2013 - 12:16:33.498 DEBUG SysOutOverSLF4JInitialiser - Your logging framework class ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger should not need access to the standard println methods on the console, so you should not need to register a logging system package.
28.03.2013 - 12:16:33.618 INFO  SysOutOverSLF4J - Replaced standard System.out and System.err PrintStreams with SLF4JPrintStreams
28.03.2013 - 12:16:33.648 INFO  SysOutOverSLF4J - Redirected System.out and System.err to SLF4J for this context
Ist vlt. für euch interessant..
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