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Thema: Tetra Mobil Station Detector


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  1. #1
    condor-10 Gast

    Tetra-Mobile-Stations Detector

    Tetra-Mobile-Stations Detector

    Restrictions of the demoversion

    - The demoversion is only available for the ICOM R10.

    - The demoversion will run 4 hours until you need to
    restart the TMS-Detector program. You have to quit
    and to restart the program, if you want to continue.

    - The demoversion will only log 20 messages. You have
    to quit and to restart the program, if you want to

    - Do not expect software updates for the demoversion.

    - The demoversion do not need and can not use the TMS
    timing circuit. You can use the original ICOM R10
    C-IV cable or any compatible cable to direct control
    the R10 by the TMS-Detector program. The timeslot
    sampling of the Tetra channels direct by the PC is
    not as accurate as with the TMS timing circuit.
    Therefore there is a higher probabillity to oversee
    Tetra signals.
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