Gestern hat auch Schweden sich eintschieden fur "TETRA"
Es wird das weltgrosste digital (verschlusseltes) trunking netwerk
Alle offentliche diensten werden es benutzen...Polizei,Feurwehr,
Zoll,Militare,Finanzamt ...usw
Mann hat (zum anfang) 250 millionen Euro's dafur reserviert
dieses jahr wird mann mit den ausbau wird bis
2009 dauern bis das ganze netzt operationell ist

Die warscheinlichkeit das jetzt auch Deutschland sich fur Tetra entscheiden wird is wieder naher gekommen.

Ein kleine aussnitt uber das Schwedische netwerk in English:

Sweden's public-safety agencies will use a Tetra network for wireless
communications, a decision that comes after some had considered using a CDMA
network in the 450 MHz band.

The Swedish Defence Material Administration announced the Tetra decision.
The network will be installed in stages through 2009 by a consortium of
Saab, Nokia Corp. and Swedia Networks. The network will be for the Swedish
police, rescue services, customs, coast guard and armed forces.

The Swedish government has allocated some 250 million euros for the "Radio
communication for effective public safety" project (known by its Swedish
acronym RAKEL). Nokia will provide its complete TETRA system, while Saab AB
will carry out system integration and Swedia Networks will provide operation
and system maintenance.

Nokia TETRA System will provide uniform and seamless network-wide services
as well as uncompromised security. The network will have nationwide
coverage, and it will be implemented in phases during 2004-2009 starting in
southern Sweden, followed by the Stockholm and Gothenburg regions.

"The Swedish authority network will be the largest shared TETRA network in
the world in terms of geography, and winning this deal has decidedly been a
major achievement for the consortium," says Matti Peltola, Vice President,
Professional Mobile Radio, Networks, Nokia. "We are confident that our
Nordic consortium is also the best choice for the citizens of Sweden. The
Nokia TETRA system will enable seamless communication between the Swedish
authorities, and help them in their great responsibility to the Swedish

Deliveries of the Nokia TETRA system, including digital TETRA exchanges,
TETRA base stations, network management system, and dispatcher workstations
will begin during 2004.

(verschiedene quellen)

Technische info's uber Tetra ( frequenzen,audio-beispiele,
landerliste usw) findet mann auf meine webseite


Tetrascanner (Niederlande)